Windows of Light Visionary Art by Deborah Bartello Testimonials



"Hardly a day goes by that I don't gain further insights into myself and the Universe based on my gazes at these lovely works of art."

B.B., Florida

"Your artwork fills our house with love and light and serves as a constant reminder that things are not necessarily as they may seem."

V.W., California

"Your artwork is continually inspiring and enriching me on my path of learning. Each piece is a teacher for me; teaching me how beautiful, how creative and how full of joy the Universe is, and therefore I am."

J.B., Connecticut

"Your art touches me so deeply it leaves me speechless. It is so heartfelt and transforming. It reminds me of whatís real and helps bring me more deeply into myself. I've lived with your art on my walls for years and I have a working relationship with each piece. They communicate to me what I most need to hear."

D.M., Virginia

"White Eagle has been a special light for me. I receive his continual nourishment and guidance. Thank you."

B.T., Connecticut

"Many, many times I have called Rolling Thunder and Aisha to my side when I felt I could not continue. They have been very close to me and I always feel their help. If it were not for them, your work and my soul portrait I do not think I would be writing this now."

N.W., Mass.

"Your paintings are so beautiful and are definitely having a strong healing effect on me. I have them hung on both sides of my piano. I notice my singing becoming a lot clearer, stronger and freer!"

D.H., Mass

"There is such love energy waiting to be experienced by simply opening up to it. I feel my whole body pulsing with energy . . . particularly the third eye. As different art pieces were shown, various parts and sometimes my whole body were felt to vibrate. . . Often there would be a feeling of understanding on a deeper level yet I would have been hard pressed to give words to the understanding. This was truly experiencing art. There was the 'catch in the throat' response to the beauty of each piece being presented before me as well as the sense of communicating with each of the pieces. . . I was quietly and subtly joyous with a knowingness of being centered in the source of that joy. What a wonderful experience for which I am truly grateful."

M.L., Virginia

"Your Art Wakes Up My Heart

Sananda, supercharged Being,
Your art wakes up my heart.
Mary, your heart my heart seeing,
Your heart wakes up my art!

Michael, my angel, is calling,
Your art wakes up my heart.
In love with All I am falling,
Your art wakes up my heart.

Falling and falling - no limit -
Your art wakes up my heart.
Light here's so bright hate can't dim it.
Your art wakes up my heart.

Come again, you know the places.
Your art wakes up my heart.
Roanoke loves both your faces.
Your art wakes up our heart."

G.L., Virginia

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Windows of Light Visionary Art Gallery
Deborah Bartello
541-488-0048 FAX 541-488-0019

Page design and site management: Kim Solga/Artworks
Contents © 2012 Deborah Bartello All rights reserved.