Windows of Light Visionary Art Gallery
Art That Transforms!
Deborah Bartello
The Windows of Light Visionary Art Gallery invites you into a soul-filled, beautiful extravaganza of light, form, movement and color featuring the artworks of Deborah Bartello. Deborah's art is channeled through her from the higher realms of light and wisdom. Its purpose is to gently remind you of your wholeness, beauty, love and freedom, while connecting you more deeply with the grace of your Higher Self.
Each art piece acts as a "cosmic window" through which your higher spiritual energies can move, thus stimulating healing, deeper insight and transformational experiences. In addition, because of the pure intent and refined energy of this art, it is able to cleanse and harmonize any space wherein it is placed. Each piece is indeed a rare and blessed gift of light to this world.
As more and more people are becoming interested in their spiritual development, visionary art plays an increasingly important role. It acts as both inspiration and teacher, healer and way-shower. Through its movement, color, shapes and symbolic representations, it reminds us of our intense beauty and love of the Divine. It suspends us far beyond the denser physical vibrations and holds us gently in the vast and sacred cocoon of our true spiritual birthright. It gives us visual and sensory clues as to who we truly are. It gives us all of this without words. Because it is purely energy based, it is not limited by linear thought. In this way, it can commune directly with the soul within us.
As this artwork penetrates our systems through our vision and aesthetic awareness, it can literally awaken us to ourselves. It can remind us, on subconscious and conscious levels, how illuminated we already are. It emits vibrations to which our inner Beings understand and relate, thus helping us to feel more "at home" here on earth. Being surrounded by images of this nature can promote feelings of great well-being and centeredness. They open doors to the other dimensions of our consciousness with which we are continuously interacting but of which we may not be fully aware. This then helps us to be more consciously aware of ourselves as sacred, multi-dimensional Beings who are capable of far greater intelligence and creative ability than we had previously thought. With the help of artwork such as this, our wholeness expands to include more of who we are and helps us to be even more joyous, purposeful and directed in our creative life journey.
Our visual senses are very powerful and, obviously, play a very important role in our understanding of who we are. Having a visual tool which can speak to us and remind us of our true essence is not just a luxury, but a viable and important therapeutic enhancement to our growth. Since it deepens our connection within ourselves, it increases our ability to deliberately bring our refined frequencies to bear more fully in our every day, physical arena. It truly enhances our experience of wholeness. This is why it is transforming.
Click here for a listing of the "Windows of Light" lithographic and photographic visionary art prints which Deborah has produced over the years.